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Fraud movers - US -1 Van Lines of Florida Inc
11/2/2010 10:36 AM (PST)
US-1 Van Lines of Florida, Inc are troubling me and my family by holding my furniture. The have all the toys of my 20 month old son. This is unfair practice for a company to delay delivery and on delivery asking more money. The movers lied from the start and left without delivery my stuff. Now they want close to additional $1000.00 for redelivery. The furniture is already on the truck and to get my furniture, I have no where to go.
Is this how costumers are treated? Why this company is A+ in BBB?
A+ is for a company who demonstrates great service. I see online so many complaints about this company. Please justify if BBB is provided to a company who have so many complaints.
Help a costumer get justice. What BBB can do to help me and other people who use this fraud's companies service. I choose this company based on BBB rating, please justify.
11/2/2010 2:28 PM (PST)
Hi Masoom,
The BBB rates businesses using many different factors of information available to us, a huge part of that being complaints and how the company handles them. I would suggest that you file a complaint with the BBB and have them contact the company on your behalf. You can file at www.bbb.org by clicking on "USA Site" and then "File a Complaint".
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